A November Auction

I did a commercial job for a B2B (BusinessHub) in southbank and came up with the following idea where the business uses paper airplanes, so this was shot on location using cotton wool clouds dangled by fishing line and finished in post. The client loved the result as well as the portraits and other shoots including shooting their national awards made out of glass which I shot in the studio.
I donated 6 prints of my drawings as a fund raiser for RMIT Photo Imaging Diploma end of year show. I was happy I sold 4 prints and raised $390 for the students.
It was good to go and do some continuing education this month, firstly I went to a workshop run by Linden New Art Gallery on how Artist Residences work which was held at the Blindside Gallery in the Nicolas Building in the city. I was interesting to see what is important to being accepted and that building relationships is key.
Secondly I went and did a Fine Art Print Workshop at Kayell in Collingwood run by Michael Marlborough. It was a good print refresher and a good opportunity to print out my own work on different printers.
Reading : Robert Silverberg Short Stories Vol.1
Watching : The BlackList
Listening : A lot of Motown
Eating : Beetroot juice