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CV Artist
14 years, Melbourne based. Life Drawing teacher at RMIT University for 5 years. Numerous group exhibitions including 2013 and 2014 Camberwell Art Shows. Awarded 2013 - 2014 Bayside City Council Artist in Residence, Brighton, Victoria.
Technical - drawing
Each drawing takes on average between 60 - 160 hours to complete. I draw in pen and ink after first sketching in pencil, using both my left and right hands. The majority of outlines, sketching and detail are done with my right hand and back up details with my left hand. I control dots at an average speed of 8 dots per second and 16 dots per second in short bursts. I alternate my drawings using even fractions of 1 mm line width and the next drawing will be done completely with odd fractions of 1 mm. The feel is slightly different, and can change the graduations. It also becomes like a mandala, it is contemplative and takes me and hopefully the viewer to another place, the place one goes to when you sit under a tree and embrace the infinite.
Drawing: News
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