A portrait May

Sonya, Bibliotherapist, © 2017
Shot a number of portraits this month, above is one of them, Sonya a bibliotherapist, images for School of Life and Melbourne University medical conference.
Went and saw the documentary "Whiteley" at NOVA cinema. As a great admirer of Brett Whiteley's work I loved it, even though I have seen a number of exhibitions and seen his "The American Dream" and "Alchemy" in real life I got a great insight into his life and how he saw the world. I was excited to see new Whitley paintings that I had not seen before, even though I have a number of books on Whiteley. He is such a brilliant drawer, his foundation to his painting has such a solid base to then expand out from. And I was delighted to discover that it was Van Gogh that set the fire alight in young Brett and inspired him to be an artist as I am also a great admirer of Van Gogh.
I entered more of my photography work in a big USA award, so fingers crossed on that one, I should hear in mid June.
Went to CERES environmental park in Brunswick for a fund raiser dinner, money going towards Refugee and Asylum seekers. I went with a group of about 30 compassionate people and the whole resteraunt was full, about 80 people all told. It was a Tamil Feast with meat or vegetarian options for $30 a head. Great food, great cause and well worth it.
Reading : High Society, Book 2, by David Sim
A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh
Watching : Poldark
Listening : Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6, Pathetique
Eating : Salmon & quinoa