A Workshop June

Little_Guy_Puddle© 2019
Well I reached 10,000 mark in connections in LinkedIn in June, I'm still waiting for the avalanche of job opportunities,
:-). I seem to get a few post production people looking for my business.
Working on a few big quotes that unfortunately did not go ahead due to client issues and timing.
Went and did a Broncolor : Lessons in light workshop at Sunstudios by Simon Everiss. Teathering using Siros L 400, Scoro, Para 88 and LUPO LED. Shooting a ballerina while jumping looking at freezing motion, delay interval sequence and rear curtain flash. Working on reducing the output by a few stops to increase sharpness at 200% in Capture v12.
Reading : To Live Again by Robert Silverberg
Watching : Star Trek Enterprise
Listening : Bruce Spingsteen
Eating : Potato, sausage and vegetable bake